Basketball rules
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Basketball is a sport with a rich history and precisely defined rules that govern every aspect of the game. This page provides the basic rules of basketball according to the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) and the National Basketball Association (NBA). For complete and detailed rules, visit the official pages of FIBA and NBA .
Points in basketball
Dužina i širina terena
- A field goal is worth 2 points inside the three-point line.
- A field goal is worth 3 points outside the three-point line.
- A free throw is worth 1 point.
Oblast kaznenog prostora
Kazneni prostor, poznat i kao “šesnaesterac”, ima dimenzije koje su standardizovane širom sveta. Njegova širina iznosi 16,5 metara od svakog stativa, dok je dubina takođe 16,5 metara od gol-linije.
Ove dimenzije imaju direktan uticaj na igru, posebno kada je reč o defanzivnim strategijama i izvođenju kaznenih udaraca.
Dimenzije gola u fudbalu
Golovi na fudbalskom terenu imaju jasno definisane dimenzije kako bi se osigurala jednaka pravila za sve timove. Širina gola iznosi 7,32 metra, dok je visina 2,44 metra. Ove mere su usvojene još u ranim fazama razvoja fudbala i od tada nisu menjane, čime su postale simbol univerzalnog standarda igre. Više detalja dostupno je na FIFA zvaničnoj stranici.
Duration of a basketball game
- FIBA: In basketball, a game lasts 40 minutes, divided into four periods of 10 minutes each.
- NBA: The game lasts 48 minutes, divided into four periods of 12 minutes each.
In both cases, time is stopped for any interruption of play, such as fouls, free throws, and timeouts.
Number of basketball players per team
Širi tereni i ofanzivna igra
Each team has five players on the field and up to seven substitutes on the bench. Substitutions can be made during stoppages of play.
Širi tereni i ofanzivna igra
Manji tereni favorizuju kompaktnu i defanzivnu igru. Na manjim terenima smanjuje se prostor za napadače, što olakšava defanzivnim timovima da organizuju svoje redove.
Ova postavka često se koristi u ligama sa nižim kvalitetom infrastrukture, gde dimenzije terena nisu u potpunosti u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima. Pogledajte detalje na fudbalskoj analitici.
Duration of attack in basketball
A team has 24 seconds to attempt an attack. If the ball touches the hoop, the time is reset. If a team does not attempt a shot within 24 seconds, they lose possession of the ball.